The Iowa Democratic Party released the majority of the results from the Iowa caucuses on Tuesday, which show Mayor Pete Buttigieg with a narrow lead over Bernie Sanders in state delegates-  but Sanders with a slight edge in the popular vote. No winner has been announced, but the state party has provided results from 71% of precincts from all 99 counties. 

In the reported precincts, Buttigieg won 26.8% of the delegate share and Sanders 25.2%. Elizabeth Warren came in third with 18.4% and Joe Biden fourth with 15.5%. Amy Klobuchar had 12.6%, Andrew Yang 1.1% and Tom Steyer 0.3%.

Sanders had 31,322 caucus attendees casting their lot with him in the first round of vote allocation and 32,673 in the second round. Buttigieg’s totals were 27,418 then 31,353; Warren had 24,041 then 25,692; Biden 18,814 then 16,447; Klobuchar 16,345 then 15,470; Yang 6,713 then 1,301 and Steyer 2,243 then 275.

On Monday night, technical problems forced the party to delay the announcement of the results. The democratic party said Tuesday that Monday’s problems came from a glitch in the app used by precinct chairs to report caucus results. The party stressed that the flaw didn’t impact the accuracy of the data and that there’s been no sign of hacking.  Party spokesperson Mandy McClure said about the remaining 29% of results: “We will continue to release results as we are able to.”

Iowa Democratic Party releases majority of caucus results


Editorial credit: DSkorynko /